Thursday, June 19, 2008

No Thank You, I don't like virtual tomatoes.

Oh dear, please forgive for such a short noticed. I haven't updated today and I feel very guilty, yet very relaxed. Hehe, can't blame me!

Yesterday was my younger sister's birthday! She turned 8 years old. We went to the zoo; which I enjoyed a lot. Tomorrow, I will have a private one-hour class on religions. YAY ME!-- not really. I'll try to be optimistic and see if I run into any quotes I could use for the one-shots or my fanfic. If you have any quotes or poems you would want me to use for your one-shot, just sumbit a comment on the blog; it would really help. Quotes and poems really get me inspired to write; that how I live with all these requests. ^__- I really do enjoy writing them; it just takes a very long time too. It's faster to read than to write. I do promise to update another one-shot later; which will be Becca0's one-shot. Right now, it's 1:17 AM for me. I say it would be around 2:17 PM for those in Singapore. I will update around 4 PM in my time.... and that might be 5 AM for those in China?

Lol, I have no idea what the time difference is between America and China is...

Well, I need to go to sleep now. Sleeping is my favourite thing to do....ever!

Please don't throw virtual tomatoes at me for not updating! Thank you!

MissBonBons is sleeping with Jaejoong.... Spiritually. ^0^

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